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Sedation Dentistry – St. Cloud, FL

Making Each of Your Visits

Does the thought of stepping foot in your dentist’s office make your hands feel clammy and your heart race? These are common signs of dental anxiety, which keeps countless patients from receiving the care necessary to keep their oral health on the right track. Instead of forcing yourself into an uncomfortable situation that could be further traumatizing, visit a dental practice that provides sedation services, like Brue Family Dentistry. To make your next appointment more comfortable and stress free, contact our office today.

Why Choose Brue Family Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Fast Acting Nitrous
    Oxide Sedation
  • We Accept
    Dental Insurance
  • Locally Owned &
    Operated Dental Practice

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

We administer nitrous oxide sedation in-office during your appointment because it’s fast acting. It’s great for people who suffer from mild to moderate anxiety, have a strong gag reflex, or need a little extra help sitting still in the treatment chair. It’s administered through a small nose mask so you can breathe in the colorless and odorless gas comfortably. Within a matter of minutes, you’ll feel a wave of relaxation wash over you. As soon as your treatment is complete, we’ll remove the mask and you’ll be ready to carry on with your day as you normally would with little to no lasting effects.